Rifle Team Weekly Happenings 2021-04-25
Hi Everyone!
I hope that all of you are having a great exams week.
Items this week:
- Tonight will be our last night in the range.
- If you have anything in the range you'd like to take over the summer, tonight is your last night to retrieve it.
- If you have anything in the range you'd like to take over the summer, tonight is your last night to retrieve it.
- This week we will finish cleaning rifles, equipment and getting things put away for the summer.
- This can be a rather dirty task, so I'd recommend wearing clothes that you wouldn't mind getting greasy, oily, and just generally dirty.
- This can be a rather dirty task, so I'd recommend wearing clothes that you wouldn't mind getting greasy, oily, and just generally dirty.
- We will be having our membership meeting tonight at 8pm in the range and virtually via Zoom
- [Link removed post-meeting]
- On the agenda for this meeting:
- Old Business
- Approving Last Meetings Minutes
- Committee Reports
- New Business
- Old Rifle Upgrade Project & Funding
- Probably something else here.
- Open Floor
- Swearing in of officers
- Adjourn
- Old Business
Upcoming Items:
- It's unlikely but we might be able to do some outdoor shooting during the summer. Look for emails if the opportunity arises.
- Have a great summer and see you in the fall!
Thank you for your attention, and have a great week!
- Zach!
- Zach!