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Rifle Team Weekly Happenings 2022-04-17

Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the delay on this message, but we've been holding out, waiting and hoping to hear back on a request that was submitted to the SDC Rifle Range Management slightly after Spring Break. This request was simply a request for getting into the SDC Rifle Range during Finals Week and the summer for cleaning rifles and getting access to our equipment; but like most of our requests about the range, we just haven't heard back on it. For whatever reason, finals week has not been included in our reservation since the range renovation, and the overall quality of communication about the range and scheduling has significantly decreased.
So due to a lack of communication from the SDC Rifle Range Management, last week was our last week of shooting. This week will be our last week at the range until August (More like October if next year is anything like this year was). Since this is our last week at the range, everything will need to be cleaned, sorted, and neatly put away for the summer in preparation for next season.
For those of you who are new to the team, end of season cleaning and maintenance tasks take about 60-75 minutes per rifle. That leaves us with about 32 person hours of work that MUST get done in the span of about 4-5 hours. So if you are able to assist, it would be really appreciated. Even if you have no idea how to clean a team rifle please show up; training will be provided. It's not difficult, just time consuming and delicate work.. If you have some friends with nothing to do, feel free to bring them along as well. This can be a rather dirty task, so I'd recommend wearing clothes that you wouldn't mind getting greasy, oily, and just generally dirty.
On top of rifle cleaning and maintenance we have all of our equipment to prepare for next season. That is all our shooting jackets and pants need to be neatly folded and stacked in the cabinet, equipment cabinets sorted and put away neatly, ammunition levels inventoried, etc. So if you have the time to lend a hand, please do so. Anything that's not finished by Tomorrow it's not getting done until the Fall since the team cannot easily get into the range during the summer. For some equipment not getting cleaned and put away this isn't an issue but for other equipment it means that it goes into the trash.
Since we have not heard anything about getting into the range during the summer, this also means that all outdoor shooting including attending the National Matches is cancelled.
Thank you for your attention, and have a great week!
- Zach

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