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Rifle Team Weekly Happenings 2022-11-27

Hi Everyone!

I hope that everyone had a great break, and if you were traveling somewhere for the break, you returned to Houghton safely.


Range Time This Week:

  • Monday 6pm - 10pm
  • Tuesday 6pm - 10pm


What we will be working on this week:

  • We will be:
    • Shooting November WIRC targets (If you haven't shot them all yet)
    • Shooting December WIRC Targets if you aren't traveling to Jackson on December 3rd.
    • Getting ready to Travel to Jackson, MI on December 3rd.
  • I didn't receive any responses for the Jackson, MI trip on December 3rd.   So if you want to go on that, click reply right now and let me know.  If I don't hear back from anyone by 11/29 this trip will be cancelled due to lack of interest.
  • If you are interested in joining, come down to the range and try us out!  It's never too late to start!



  • None - I lacked the time to create something.


Upcoming Items:

  • End of year rifle maintenance will either be happening on December 5th + 6th, or December 12th + 13th.
    • The date depends on approval by SDC range Management for range access during finals week for cleaning.
    • There is no prior knowledge required to clean a team rifle.  We will show you everything you'll need to know.
    • The more people we have helping with this, the faster this goes.  It must be done before we leave for break.
  • I'm planning out another fun shoot that will hopefully be happening on December 5th or 6th.
    • The date will be determined based on if we can get access into the range during Finals Week to do cleaning, or if it needs to be done the week before finals week 
    • Important: This event is dependent on the SDC Range Management approving the targeting that will be used for this event.
      • If we can't get the approval request forms from the SDC Range management and the targeting approved we might need to cancel this event.  Per SDC Rifle Range Rules & the SOP all targeting used at the range must be approved.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the content of this message please let me know.  Thank you for your attention, and have a great week!


- Zach

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