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Rifle Team Weekly Happenings 2023-02-12

Hi Everyone!

I hope that all of you had a great Winter Carnival.


Range Time This Week:

  • Monday 6pm - 10pm
  • Tuesday 6pm - 10pm


Items this week:

  • We will just have practice this week.
    • We will start working on back-filling items from September a bit more.
  • If you haven't shot your MSRL Match 1+2 targets yet, you could do that?
    • For anyone that wants to, you can shoot your MSRL Match 3+4 targets.
  • If you are interested in joining, come down to the range and try us out!  It's never too late to start!


Upcoming Items:

  • MSRL Targets 3+4 are due on February 21st.
  • We've got some upcoming competitions in the next few weeks.  Here's what's coming up:
    • Mar 11th+12th - 2023 Michigan Indoor 3-Position & Air State Championships (Jackson, MI)
  • Sometime in February we will be electing our officers for the 2023-2024 School Year.
      • The term is from the first Saturday after Spring Semester Finals Week at noon until the first Saturday after Spring Semester finals week the next year at noon.
      • The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms are all up for election.
      • If you're interested in any of these and want to know what the position entails feel free to ask me, one of the existing officers, or Read about it in our Constitution


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the content of this message please let me know.  Thank you for your attention, and have a great week!

- Zach

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