2016-11-06 Weekly Happenings
Hi Everyone!
Sorry for getting this out late. It was the errr.... timechange. yeah.
- This week we will be at the range practicing and working on whatever people left off on.
- I know we still have a lot of people that are still working on the intro to smallbore shooting and that's perfectly alright. Everyone has different schedules and develops differently.
- We will be attending the Great Lakes Invitational in Jackson, MI on the weekend of December 3rd.
- For additional trip details, please email me or refer to the message sent out about the trip.
- If you want to go, please let me know by November 18th
- If you are interested in joining and are unsure, come down to the range and try us out! It's never to late to start!
Upcoming Items:
- Next week we will begin shooting our November WIRC targets. We will have the Monday & Tuesday before break, and the Monday & Tuesday after break to shoot them. If you ask / need, I can let you start shooting them this Saturday as well.
- We will not be at the range during Thanksgiving break (November 19-27)
- Zach