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2016-11-13 Weekly Happenings

Hi Everyone!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend! 

  • This week we will be at the range practicing and working on whatever people left off on.
    • I know we still have a lot of people that are still working on the intro to smallbore shooting and that's perfectly alright.  Everyone has different schedules and develops differently.

  • This week we will begin shooting our November WIRC targets.  They need to be shot by November 29th.   We have the Monday/Tuesday before break and the Monday/Tuesday after break to shoot them.

  • We will be attending the Great Lakes Invitational in Jackson, MI on the weekend of December 3rd.
    • For additional trip details, please email me or refer to the message about the trip.
    • If you want to go, please let me know by November 18th
  • If you are interested in joining and are unsure, come down to the range and try us out!  It's never to late to start!

Upcoming Items:

  • We will not be at the range during Thanksgiving break (November 19-27)
  • Next week we will be shooting our November WIRC targets the Monday & Tuesday after break.
    • Tuesday, November 29th is the last day to shoot them!
  • We have a few travel competitions coming up after winter break.  I'm hoping to get the bulk of the information on those finalized and sent out within the next few weeks.
Thanks for your time and have a great week!
- Zach

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